Heat Insulation of Valves
Shut-off valves (gate valves, ball valves, bafflers) are the "weakest link" in insulation of piping systems for various purposes. Lack of insulation on shut-off valves leads to significant increase in heat loss, especially in systems with extremely high temperatures, such as in case of superheated steam lines, not to mention increasing risk of burns for personnel.
Complicated configuration of shut-off valves design, requirements of quick access for repair and maintenance considerably complicate the installation.
Often mineral (basalt) wool is used for insulating shut-off valves. This material has a number of disadvantages: strongly absorbs water vapor, which lead to creasing of mineral wool and significantly increase thermal conductivity. Greater thickness and loose structure of mineral wool insulation increase dimensions of insulated equipment and require applying a protective coating of galvanized steel. Service life of these structures is usually 2 - 2.5 years.
Isollat coatings can significantly reduce heat loss, eliminate the risk of burns for personnel and extend life of equipment being insulated due to anti-corrosion additive materials. The coating provides snug fit to the insulated surface, preventing sagging and peeling. It is possible to apply coating without interrupting production, without stopping equipment in the temperature range up to 500 C. Applying Isollat material does not require additional "protection" and can be carried out without participation of specialized contractors.
Service life of the coating in a simple and combined forms (Isollat-Effect) is more than 10 years without loss of performance.
The main advantages of Isollat coating:
- it is liquid;
- it is possible to apply it to complicated configurations of surfaces;
- it fits closely to the insulated surface;
- it lasts long - more than 10 years.
- it is easy to apply it;
- it does not require additional "protection";
- it it well maintainable;
- it is environmentally friendly.