World Ecolabeling Day 2023
Every year our company supports the World Ecolabeling Day, as we are a part of this movement. Our assortment includes products with "Life Leaf" ecolabel: Izollat 01, Izollat 02 and Izollat 03. "Life Leaf" is the only ecolabel in Russia recognized by the World Ecolabel Association. Its standards are aimed at reducing impact at the most important stages of the product life cycle.
Ecolabeling is a simple and reliable way to lead an environmentally friendly lifestyle. By purchasing products with this label, consumers can be sure that they are making a choice that takes care of themselves and the environment. That's because the ecolabel is only awarded to products that have been verified by an independent organization.
The products manufactured at our company are widely used abroad, so we pay special attention to the issues of manufacturing our products in accordance with international environmental standards. After all, in many countries environmental safety is one of the main criteria in the choice of thermal insulation material.
Buying our thermal insulation materials, you can be sure of their environmental friendliness and safety. These materials fully comply with high international requirements and have no analogues in terms of safety of ecological indicators.
Give preference to ecolabeled products, by doing so you will support responsible manufacturers and help companies to conserve the planet's resources.
You can check whether a product meets high environmental standards with the free Ecolabel Guide app. Simply point your smartphone camera at the label and the app will provide information about it.
Celebrate with us - take photos, post ecolabeled products on social media and hashtag #WorldEcolabelDay #ChooseEcolabels #LetterofLife.