ISOLLAT has once again confirmed compliance with the high requirements of the "Leaf of Life" ecolabel
The other day, during the annual audit of the international organization GEN (Global Ecolabelling Network), the products manufactured at our company: "ISOLLAT-01", "ISOLLAT-02" and "ISOLLAT-03", has again confirmed its full compliance with high requirements of STO-56171713-021-2019 "Paint and varnish thermal insulating material. Environmental safety requirements and assessment methods".
In the course of certification, the experts of the "Ecological Union" once again made sure that
- finished products are absolutely safe for humans. The level of volatile organic compounds in products is much lower than the requirements of existing standards.
- Product packaging is recyclable by the methods available in the Russian Federation.
- The company recycles more than half of the waste it produces, thus reducing its impact on the environment.
- the company has automated many technological processes, including work with powdery components, which improves working conditions.
At present ISOLLAT is one of 18 products which are produced in Russia and received the ecolabel "Leaf of Life" of GEN (Global Ecolabelling Network) international organization. Our products are widely used abroad, so we pay special attention to compliance with international environmental standards. After all, in many countries environmental safety is one of the main criteria in the choice of insulation material.