Isollat confirms high standards of eco-certification “Leaf of Life”
Consistently high quality products and their safety for humans and the environment are our company's top priorities. In order to achieve these standards, we regularly undergo environmental audits and confirm compliance with the strict criteria of the Life Leaf eco-certification. This is a unique ecolabel in Russia, recognized internationally by the Global Ecolabel Network (GEN), which is based on a scientific approach to product evaluation.
Recently the next audit has been completed, as a result of which our thermal insulation materials: “ Isollat-01”, “Isollat-02” and “Isollat-03” have confirmed full compliance with the high requirements of ecological certification STO-56171713-021-2019 “Thermal insulation paint and varnish material. Ecological safety requirements and evaluation methods”.
We are proud that our company is among only 7 manufacturers of paint and varnish materials in Russia, whose products have been awarded the ecological labeling “Leaf of Life”.