Heat insulation of any surface Insulating paint


In October 2007 in Yekaterinburg, Renova-StroiGroup commenced construction of Akademichesky (“Academic”) residential district. The new district was unique for our country in many aspects. And it is not only the impressive scale that mattered (the project involves construction of 13 million square kilometers of real estate), nor the speed of the construction. Akademichesky became a “proving ground” for testing state-of-the-art technical solutions, with the special place among them given to objectives of energy-efficient management of a complex utilities infrastructure.

Coating Isollat ​​proved its high efficiency in the insulation of reservoirs and storage tanks for oil products of various purpose

Today, there is no need to persuade anyone of economical feasibility of providing thermal insulation for residential and public buildings, equipment, and pipelines. Currently, Russia is among the world’s countries that feature the highest heat losses. Energy saving becomes the imperative of our time; this determines the importance of the ever-existing problem of selecting thermal insulation materials.