Compared to other insulating materials, Isollat coating has several advantages, which provide high efficiency of its use

Heat insulation of facades and steel building structures, interiors, balconies and loggias, roofs, hangars, eliminating the "cold bridges" and freezing

Integrated thermal insulation and corrosion protection of equipment for production and transportation of oil and gas, tanks with oil products

Heat insulation of steam pipes and piping, flue gas ducts and flue pipes, valves, ducts, process equipment

Heat insulation of tanks and reservoirs, industrial premises

Cars insulation
Isollat Liquid Heat Insulation
Isollat is a modern high-tech insulating material widely used for insulation of different objects: industrial and residential construction, energy sector, utilities sector, oil and gas complex.
Isollat creates polymer soft, flexible, elastic and durable coating which is not subject to burning, resistant to damage and provides significant reduction of heat loss from insulated structures.
This insulating paint is viscous aqueous suspension, which can be easily applied to all surfaces of complex shapes and configurations, and, after drying and curing, becomes final finish.
Isollat is intended for thermal insulation and corrosion protection of heating networks, heating and industrial equipment, for protecting building structures, facades of residential and industrial buildings.
The coating effectively reflects and scatters light in the visible and infrared light, has adhesion to most of materials. Service life of the material is more than 10 years without loss of performance.